Drinking song by Verdi

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This tune if from an opera by Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)called La traviata.It is now one of the most popular operas ever written.

But the first performance in 1853 was not a success.This is partly because it used modern costumes like the one on the left.

This made the sad story too realistic.At the time,people thought that operas should be like fantasies,and not like real lift.
In some later performances,the singers had 17th-century costomes like the one shown here.This helped the opera became much more popular.

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Dear Verdi's Friends,
it is official! A New National Museum is born in Italy. Precisely in Busseto, Verdi's hometown
It's a dream that becomes true. The National Museum of Giuseppe Verdi aims to celebrate the Man, the Operas and the Myth. The 27 Verdi's operas have been represented on a historical continuum though a theatrical set designed by the world famous director Pier Luigi Pizzi. The set is furnished with reproduction of the original sceneries of Casa Ricordi, of the 19th century social and cultural milieus. There will be accompanying music scores and recordings. All the arts of modern technology, the book shop and the garden, will be employed to bring to life a collection of unique artefacts connected with the work of this seignior.
A trip that cannot be missed through the life and work of the “Swan from Busseto”, full of fascination and romantic flair. A unique experience!
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